Why & What We Do

Bikini Beach Cat Rescue

Free-roaming cats are a a huge problem everywhere; recent estimates for Horry county is about 140,000 free-roaming cats and about 47,000 for Georgetown county. The Humane Society estimates that a breeding pair of cats and their kittens can produce more than 400,000 cats and kittens over 7 years.


Population Control

As long as litters of surplus kittens are born, our shelters will continue to burst with discarded animals. Currently about 80% of cats entering kill shelters are euthanized. Many healthy cats wait in vain to get a permanent home; most do not make it out alive. Many have been surrendered and are traumatized by losing their home, not understanding what they did wrong to be left behind by the only family they ever knew. They do not understand that their family will never come back for them. Others arrive abused and frightened; some are dumped in neighborhoods and they watch in terror as their family drives away. Some are thrown from bridges, others from moving cars.

As fast as we dispose of them, new ones are born to take their place. We cannot adopt them out fast enough and euthanasia has not worked for decades. Animals who haven't even been conceived today, will die next year unless we can stop the surplus litters from being born.

This is the real-life tragedy of animal overpopulation. To end this, we must have low-cost spay/neuter programs to keep these surplus kittens from being born. All across the United States spay/neuter programs are being implemented in an effort to stop the unwanted breeding. It doesn't matter that their deaths are 'painless', what matters is that their deaths are 'pointless'.

With your help and support, Bikini Beach Cat Rescue is sponsoring weekly low-cost spay/neuter clinics at two locations, scheduling two clinics per week.

As Helen Keller said, "I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do." You donations help us do the 'something.'

How Do You Know When Males Cats Can Be Neutered? How Do You Know When Males Cats Can Be Neutered?

By six to eight weeks of age, both testes have descended into the scrotum of the male cat and they can be neutered. We fix kittens at 3 months of age or about 3 pounds

How Often Do Female Cats Come Into Heat?

They come into heat every two weeks. Siamese cats often breed year round. Each heat period varies in length, but typically lasts between five days and three weeks. She can experience repeated cycles every 12 to 22 days if not pregnant.

What Are The Signs That Female Cats Are In Heat?

Excessive vocalization, rubbing her head and neck against people and objects, becoming very affectionate, rolling and squirming, making 'treading movements' with her back legs, and assuming the mating position - the rump in the air, tail deflected to the side and back arched downward.​

More Information On Female Cats

Puberty in females, on average, occurs between 5 and 9 months of age.
Pregnancy in cats lasts, on average, about 63 days. Cats that are spayed before their first heat rarely develop mammary tumors. Most mammary tumors are malignant.

Litters on average consist of up to four kittens per litter and a typical queen can have two to three litters per year. She can have anywhere from 50 to 150 kittens in her lifetime.

***The cost of the Spay & Neuter includes a rabies vaccination.

Appointments can be made by calling 843-655-7881 between 9 AM and 4 PM.

Trap & Release

We also do some targeted TNR programs with volunteers and grant money and do fundraisers to offer everyone subsidized low-cost spay/neuter clinics throughout the year.

With your support, we can make a difference and stop healthy, adoptable cats from euthanasia. It doesn't matter that their deaths are 'painless', what matters is that their deaths are 'pointless'.